Testamex is a new generation cryptocurrency platform.

Withdraw to wrong address

Coinbird will start the automatic withdrawal process as soon as you click the Withdrawal Confirmation button in your E-mail account. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop this once initiated. Due to the anonymity of the blockchain, Coinbird is also unable to locate where your funds have been sent. If you have sent your coins to the wrong address by mistake, please use other means to try and locate and/or contact the recipient of your funds. If you have withdrawn your funds to another exchange with an incorrect or empty tag/required description, please contact the receiving exchange with your TxID to organize the return of your funds.

Sent to wrong address

If you sent your coins to a wrong address, Coinbird did not receive these coins. And Coinbird do not know who controls those addresses and have no means of recovering those coins. If you know who that address belongs to, it is recommended that you contact to the owner of the target address to negotiate your coins back.

Nunc iaculis in libero eget?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod at nulla et molestie. Etiam id purus orci. Vivamus tristique, orci vel sagittis pulvinar, risus neque dapibus lacus, ut congue augue arcu nec felis. Mauris accumsan ante est, non ullamcorper elit

Deposited wrong coins

If you sent wrong coins to your Coinbird coin address: Coinbird generally does not offer a token/coin recovery service. If you have suffered a significant loss as a result of incorrectly deposited tokens/coins, Coinbird may, solely at our discretion, assist you in recovering your tokens/coins. This process is extremely complicated and may result in significant cost, time and risk. If you wish to request Coinbird to recover your coins, please provide: your Coinbird account email, coin name, address, amount, txid(Critical), transaction screenshot. Coinbird team will judge whether or not retrieve wrong coins. If it was possible to recover your coins, we may need to install or upgrade the wallet software, export/ import private keys etc. These operations can only be conducted by authorized staff under carefully security audit. Please be patient as it may cost over 1 month to retrieve wrong coins.

Mauris ultrices suscipit ?

Proin posuere commodo dolor. Aliquam ornare volutpat dignissim. Quisque efficitur, enim et dignissim accumsan, nunc tellus tempor augue, et tempor metus nibh et urna. Etiam in nulla vitae libero ullamcorper eleifend vel vitae arcu. Vivamus faucibus ut tortor ut volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam lacus metus, rhoncus eget imperdiet vel, mollis non turpis. Aenean mollis nisl non risus semper malesuada. Duis risus eros, malesuada ac aliquam in, pharetra vitae ex.

Donec dictum sem elit, sit amet facilisis metus commodo non.

Cannot receive Email

Please following below procedures kindly.
1. Please verify registered email account and ensure it is correct.
2. Please check spam folder in email system to search the email.
3. Whitelist Coinbird email in your email server.
4. Ensure that email client works normally.

Security Tips

4 security tips listed as blow:
DO NOT give your password to anyone!
DO NOT call any phone number for someone claiming to be Coinbird Support!
DO NOT send any money to anyone claiming to be a member of Coinbird.
Enable Google Two Factor Authentication!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Fusce fringilla dapibus consectetur. Vestibulum erat urna, blandit eget metus at, accumsan imperdiet ipsum. Sed augue justo, mollis in erat et, finibus auctor leo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas nec purus odio. Nunc sem nunc, eleifend in tortor non, pulvinar volutpat purus. Phasellus non ligula vel eros congue faucibus nec ac arcu. Duis lacus erat, dictum ut vulputate eu, commodo eu odio. Nunc iaculis in libero eget tempus. Curabitur posuere vestibulum malesuada. Curabitur ut dolor quis lacus tempus feugiat.