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Au contraire, mon frère!
According to the Empire list of the 50 worst movies ever made 1, The Room is… merely #10!
What’s better uh, worse than that?
- Batman and Robin
- Battlefield Earth
- The Love Guru
- Raise The Titanic
- Epic Movie
- Heaven’s Gate
- Sex Lives of the Potato Men
- The Happening
- Highlander 2: The Quickening
I definitely saw Battlefield Earth and Batman and Robin coming – and I deeply regret seeing any film from M. Night Shamalamadingdong… but I must admit I haven’t heard of a few of these.

My friend worked on this movie and kept swearing to me during its production that “It’s really funny and not as bad as it sounds!”
I’m glad I didn’t listen to her!

I’ve seen The Room more times than I want to admit publicly… But seeing it in a theatre with crowd participation is so much fun! Definitely do it if your city has screenings. Bring plastic spoons and a football.
Another favorite movie that I like to hate-watch is The Apple
